

Hello !

It's raining here in Texas. In July. It's refreshing and bizarre and honestly a bit frightening.

We had a nice weekend. Saturday Stephen had daddy/daughter time while I went and had a pedicure and a facial. It was heavenly. Sunday we all three went to McKinney Falls State Park to see my parents and sister and then everyone came here to hang out and play dominoes. Yes dominoes - we really are that awesome.

Right now Ms. Baby and I are going to take a nap ( please ! ) as she has decided being awake from 0230 on is a really good time and then we are going on our first solo trip out into the world to run some quick errands and take Stephen some lunch.

I almost have the second part of our birth story ready and will post it as soon as I have time to fire up the laptop and give it a quick spell check and edit. I can't believe it has been almost a month since this tiny precious girl entered the world.

Hope your week is starting gently.
