

Weekend was low-key. Very nice.

Last night I baked cookies while Boyfriend puttered in his little patio garden.

At dusk we released some lady bugs.

Today I started working at a cute little deli in a neighborhood where time apparently stopped circa 1950.

My summer course starts next Monday.

I'm about to separate and start laundry.

Glamour to the max.

Summer vacation rocks.


Weekend Update

Saturday I petted a chicken.

Then ran so it wouldn't peck me.

There were six year old kids braver than I.

Oh well.

Yesterday was a surprise visit to the wildflower center.

It was humid and cloudy. Misting a little.

We didn't get attacked by any bobcat or stray children.

Then I ate my weight in grilled cheese sandwiches.

I should look for a job today, but I feel kinda achy and maybe getting sick.

There's always tomorrow, no?


Grades went out today.

Mine were pretty excellent and I feel really good about that.

School is usually not terribly challenging for me. Not because I am brilliant or dedicated...just good at school.

But nursing school is fucking hard.

I did well this last semester because I busted my ass. So I don't feel guilty taking some credit for the outcome.

And now I am settling into not constantly having a project or paper or test or clinical assignment breathing down my neck.

I have one course to take this summer. Monday I am going to start hunting up a job.

But right now I am very much enjoying doing a whole lot of nothing.

Today I slept in, saw my love over lunch, went for a walk.

Vietnamese from new cookbook tonight.

Boyfriend is cute in the kitchen.

Tomorrow morning I am going to see my chicken friends and get squash at Boggy Creek.



Road Trip

Yesterday somewhere between the Oklahoma School of Horseshoeing and my destination I stopped for gas at a Shell station with a help wanted sign in the window and cassette tapes for sale for $5.99 at the counter. Selections included Debbie Gibson, Foreigner, and Latin Dance Hits 2000.

I won't tell you if I bought one or not.

I can physically feel stress leaving my body.

I like very much to be reunited with my love.

I just ate some chicken and asparagus for lunch.

Now I'm going to take a nap.

Also: Today is Sister's 21st birthday. Happy Birthday!