
Check-out Items

2 6-packs of beers

1 box of shredded wheats (with bran !!)

1 box of generic benadryls

= party in a bag

Got my box checked out today.

Pretty rockin'.

Everything seems to be in working order.

Which is good considering my warranty is about to expire.



Watching Wheel of Fortune, waiting for favorite radio show to start at 7:00 pm, drinking a glass of wine, and wishing my lover didn't have to spend the night doing work crap.
It is Saturday and I am tired. Nursing is the art of trying to convince people that no I'm not too busy to help you when really I am.

I try to make up for not having time to get everything done by being nice. It's mostly not hard to do, but sometimes is.

I kiss an old woman on the head whose hair is just growing back from the chemo and cries because she is so tired. I dispose of all manner of bodily fluids and sometimes make inappropriate jokes. I don't tell people something won't hurt if I think it will.

Today the weather is beautiful and I went with the sweet person who lives with me to the farmer's market and for breakfast tacos. We were supposed to go for a bike ride but then I took a nap instead.

Right now I feel like maybe crying a little just to get it out and then being mellow and having a glass of wine and listening to some songs and tidying the house.


Breaking News

The dentist used a camera hooked up to a television to show me the inside of my mouth.

It occurs to me some people might not appreciate this, but I was into it.

I was asked if I used to be bulimic due to the evidence of "old enamel erosion on the upper front teeth"(negative), admonished to floss better (sorry, Theresa !), and made aware of a nevi (like a mole for your gums) that could be removed if it "bothers me, cosmetically".

Since I didn't know it was there and still don't think I can honestly say I see it that would be a negative.

I do have a filling that needs to be replaced. Not terribly shocking considering the couple of fillings I have have been hanging around since elementary school.

I know that you feel much better having been thoroughly briefed on the state of my dentition.

You're welcome.
Just emptied by spam folder of all the offers for red hot hookups ! and improved sexual stamina !

Getting ready to go to the dentist.

Need to have pictures taken to renew my passport.

That's the word here.

Very exciting as you can see.


Made some apple butter and ate it warm smeared on leftover biscuit.

The worst thing to happen today is the drawstring breaking in my sweatpants.

Getting ready to go traipse around a little Texas town while Boyfriend works.

If you're lucky maybe I'll buy you some pickles while I'm there.



Cajun Shepherd's Pie

Fresh Baked Biscuits

Three Ginger Cookies

Think I undercooked the roux for the sauce for the shepherd's pie. Was afraid it was going to either a) scorch or b) explode into a fiery mess up my arm.

Mostly b).

Everything else seems to be coming along nicely.

Smells good up in here.

You should come check it out.
The three (!) cats are curled up in balls sleeping in order of descending size like a disassembled Matryoshka doll.

Going to bake the previously abandoned ginger cookies today. Thinking of something to throw together for dinner.

The weather has turned slightly from sweltering so maybe something hearty so that when my love returns from work the house smells scrumptious.

Better get busy.



All the bedding is clean.

Nothing in the house currently smells like stale vomit.

Back to work tomorrow.
Home from work. Feeling better, but in no way up to a day of playing nurse.

Did manage to keep down an egg and cheese breakfast taco and a little bit of apple juice.

The cats are frolicking and I need to wash the last of our bedding to get rid of that we've been sick and in bed funk.

That's all for now.

Maybe more later.


We are sick here and puking and it feels like there is something on fire in my stomach.

Boyfriend is taking a sick day and I am trying to decide if I can go to work tomorrow or not.

Calling in sick makes me feel like such a punk.

Also I organized a little snack party for the people who work tomorrow so how lame if I don't show.

Supposed to be baking ginger cookies to take with some apple cider.

Typing that sentence made me want to spew all over again.

At two o'clock if I don't feel better I'm calling in.



we just adopted a new little cat. he is grey

and has no name.

he is running around like a wild man.

crazy cat people here we come.
I want to go to Boggy Creek Farm for some turnips and maybe the farmers market for some apples to bake with.

We are having bacon, onion, and cheese omelets for brunch later today.

And cleaning the house.

And going to look at up for adoption cats.

And bike riding if it doesn't rain.

A very aggressive agenda.

Better get started.


Had my toenails painted orange today. Like a pumpkin. How festive.

Then ate a pork loin sandwich with barbecue sauce and pickles at a place where the man behind the counter asks you if you want your meat cut lean or with a little flavor.

Thanks be for folks who likes a little flavor.



Took the cats to the animal clinic today for their yearly check-up/vaccinations.

It was especially fun trying to hold the Jinx still to take her temperature. (You know how they take feline temps, right?)

Even after this display the vet still managed with a straight face to suggest daily teeth brushing for both cats.


Now trying to find a doctor who takes my insurance so that I can schedule an equally exciting and invasive appointment for myself.

We're very in to preventative health in these parts it seems.

What you doing?



I'm about to bake this cake.

Work this week was better, but am still glad to have some days off.

Drinking a giant glass of iced tea and thinking about vacuuming the cat hair off of the carpet.


My love and I need to go to the grocery sometime and despite the fact that it may make you wanna puke we like going there together and holding hands while we pick out things to eat.

The weather is gradually getting cooler, especially in the evenings, so I think we are going to have a hamburger cookout and eat outside with the cats and our new patio spider Veruschka.

Veruschka is approximately the size of a half dollar and appeared while my love was away on his trip last week.

You can come see her if you'd like.

Bring the potato salad.