
Happy Sunday.

I'm sitting in our bed looking out the window at our disaster of a backyard. Wow. It's looking wild and not in a good way. Ooof.

Today we had lunchtime Thai food with friends. It was our first time to this restaurant and it was tasty, but could have used some more heat in pretty much everything. I NEED my Thai spicy, people.

We dropped our lunch companions off and headed solo to Quack's for cake and coffee. It is not fair that cake is so fucking good. Truly. We got croissants for breakfast tomorrow and then left them sitting on the table when we left. Dammit.

I only work two days this week, Tuesday and Wednesday. I need to tomorrow get the house put in order and pack as Thursday I made plans to spend with my sister and a visiting friend and Friday we leave early for a few days of vacation in San Francisco. We went there last year for a very short visit and didn't have time to really get a feel for the city so - back we go.

That's about all that's going on here. Hope everything with you is great.



hi again.

feeling crummy since the weekend. not anything specifically wrong just ... gah.

finished work early, had a late lunch with my love. sitting on the couch. chugging water, burning incense ( my fave ). all bazillion of our cats are sleeping, most of them in positions that make them look like they belong alongside a highway.

it's quiet here.  just turned on some Krishna Das. ( i know, i know - white people who change their names from Jeffrey to Krishna are a little much for me to take most of the time also, but it's very relaxing. )

it's nice to be in this space again. thanks for coming.



hello there.

would like very much to get back to posting here, but ...  ?

sitting on the couch, drinking rapidly cooling coffee, composing a 'TO DO' list in my head, listening to Tinariwen.