
You all should know that according to the online learning test just completed I am officially competent at my job.


This may not be completely accurate, but I do think that I am getting there.

There isn't much to share that isn't either completely boring (my continuing caffeine habit or need for better personal hygiene) or completely horrifying (coding patients and back-alley pelvic exams) and I will spare you both of those categories and tell you these two things instead :

I am going to start my Christmas shopping today in the tropical heat of central Texas and if you are lucky maybe I am getting something for you.

I will be breaking my no cartoon character scrub tops rule Saturday and wearing a Charlie Brown Halloween shirt and possibly carrying it over to a party as part of my grouchy nurse who just got off work and can't drink anything because of some medication she is taking costume.

Don't you feel better for having these two bits of vital information ?


just wrapping up the first two days off in a row in longer than i like to think about.

yesterday we ran some errands and scored some farm market produce, but today we did very little of anything that involved getting up out of bed.

we did manage to drag ourselves to the grocery and thus are about to sit down for pork chops, spinach, and sweet potatoes.

tomorrow is back to work and i can't say i feel that bad about it.

huzzah !