
It's almost seventy degrees here.

I'm still having difficulty fighting off the mid-winter blues.



Reading blogs I notice that lots of people use tags for their posts for the sake of archiving/organization. This sounded like a good idea for about 0.00007 seconds before realized that a) organization is not one of my strengths and b) ' mundane shit I'm doing today ' isn't a very intriguing tag.

So much for that.

If you are a twitterer ( or if you read my feed over there ------> ) you can see that filed my taxes today. And feeling quite gloaty and responsible for it. The H&R Block website is super easy and not very expensive and stop shilling now. But really - use it ! it's easy ! Ok. Really done.

Drinking Earl Grey and snacking on the leftovers of this tasty stew. This week need to go on a sugar detox or something because my stomach (and the rest of my body) is seriously unhappy with all the shit put into this weekend. Gross.

Making a giant pot of vegetable stock and vowing to eat all kinds of good things made from it this week. Mostly soup. And maybe some couscous or something with barley as we have both languishing away in the pantry.

That sound you hear is my pancreas letting out a sigh of relief and holding back tears of joy.

Let's all have a good week, ok ?



hey you.

sittin' here sippin' on some syzurp beers.

stephen and some guy whose name escapes me are talking about something to do with wine.

thinking i'm about to have a waffle with peanut butter for dinner. if i were a little bit less lazy it'd be awesome to smear this on said waffle and get ugly.

hope you've had a nice weekend.

XoXo !!


in which i admit my failure at numerous adult activities

Our house is kinda funky, y'all.

This is because, quite frankly, I kind of suck at picking up after myself. Also we have the bad cats who make a mess and well ... we live here. It always seems kind of odd when people's houses look like they are fresh off a Better Homes and Gardens photo shoot. Where do they live ?

Today going for not quite Better Homes and Gardens, but maybe just below it. Or at least above flop house squalor which is maybe where starting. And you can tell how serious I am by the bandanna tied over my hair. And by the fact that am sitting here typing this instead of getting started.

Beyond the general scouring and straightening needed we have a leaky toilet that probably needs a new seal or some other plumbing type thing that intimidates me enough to just shut the door and use the other bathroom.

The dryer is on the fritz. Maybe. There might just be some glob of something caught in the vent somewhere. There is a test batch of towels in right now with the hose vented into the garage to find out if this is the case or if the dryer is really broken. This was my brilliant idea of yesterday. What to do if there is something caught in there will have to be someone else's brilliant idea because that shit vents up to the roof and I don't know how the hell to clean it out.

There is a newly appeared crack over the back door and maybe the door frame is sagging now. This could be normal settling. Or it could be the foundation cracking and half of the house getting ready to fall into a sink hole. Only time will tell.

The joys of home ownership, eh ?

Oh ! Speaking of ... think I need to have someone do my taxes this year ? I don't know about like home owner mortgage tax thingeys. Maybe I can ask my dad ? Or just drop my stuff at H & R Block ? How much does it cost to have someone do your taxes for you ?

Realize what a spoiled brat I am at times when I think " How much is it for someone to do my taxes ?" and then immediately following " Would it mean I'll have to miss a manicure ?" Oh the sacrifices.


Quit yammering away now, turn on some obnoxious music and scare the shit out of the cats with the vacuum.



One of goals for today is to clean the bathrooms. So far cleaned one toilet.

That's the scintillating stuff a blog is made of right there.

Another goal is ... uh ...

Ok so that may be the only goal.

Low expectations people, low expectations.

Tuesday we had fun going out and staying out way past our bedtimes. We ended up hungry and eating really bad food really late. Our waiter was a Kevin Federline doppleganger. Stephen wouldn't let me write him a note about it on our ticket.

Party pooper.

Going to see some more music tonight. Now that we're party animals and all.

Don't get too excited though.

It's an early show. Early bird special at Luby's early.

Hope you're having a good week and staying warm wherever you are.



Disco Nap

Got up before the sun and busted my hump (what does that mean ? is this a camel reference ? please advise.) to get finished with work early.

Grabbed a quick nosh ( leftover pasta with garlicky olive oil and salty cheese ) and now have time for a little snooze before heading out to listen to some blues with my love.

There's a green and white toy mouse in the middle of the bed. It rattles when you shake it.

Night night.


Road trip this weekend to see family. Played dominoes with my gramma and Wii games with my mama.

Good stuff.

Finishing up the schedule for work today. Have an appointment with the optometrist. Should maybe think about unpacking and putting away all the crap scattered all over the house. Need groceries.

What should we eat this week ?

Tomorrow is back to work. And going to Antone's. Hopefully can finish the first in time to change clothes before the second. Otherwise you can find me rocking Blue Tuesday in my scungy blue scrubs.

Gross !

One of my goals for 2011 is to do something other than work and sit at home.

Wish me luck.

And feel free to request a slot in my bustling social calendar.

Better hurry ! Could fill up fast.



Enough Already !

I've been feeling awful and working all.week.long. Ugh. Now on top of that it feels like there's a mud wrestling tournament going on IN MY UTERUS.

Charming, right ?

On-call until the morning. Don't ring phone ! Don't ! I'm serious !

Tomorrow off to Kansas for a quick visit.

Hope to see you soon.



Hiya !

Coming to you in full effect on company time via iPhone. Firable offense ?
Yesterday I went home and to bed at three in the afternoon. Today I'm all full of cold and allergy medicine. I can feel my kidneys and liver gearing up to filter it all out.

What's up with Neti pots, y'all ? Yes ? I don't know since I have a suffocation/drowning phobia. Oof.

Better get back to work ! Eeep !



Yesterday started composing something to write here.  Then I drank three beers and the Saints blew the playoff game and now am just not sure what brilliance had been brewing. 

I keep typing and deleting and typing and deleting. Repeat.


Right now it's raining here. Feel kind of icky like maybe catching cold. Drinking lukewarm coffee and wearing a blanket Love's mama knit for me. Clearing my throat and coughing and choking.

Attractive, I know.

One of my favorite wish you were my neighbor people was gone from blogging and I was missing her. How do you miss someone online ? Don't know. But I was. Then she came back and it's nice.

Rolling up on a birthday next month and maybe that is what has me feeling a little sentimental and missing people who I love but are all scattered around and mostly out of my life.

Spending said birthday on a beach just off the equator and then coming home and having a party*. Keep resisting the urge to invite people I don't really want to come just to be nice. Or to have people there. Probably to take the place of people I wish could be there but can't.

Couldn't it just be like in the third grade when everyone who was my friend and loved was only as far away as another classroom across the hall or across town ? There'd be a big party at the skating rink with giant dill pickles and Little Debbie snack cakes all around.

Imma shut up now and go eat an egg taco and reheat my coffee.

Hope to hear from you soon.


*We're having rum punch and gumbo and chocolate cake and you are welcome to please stop by. Unless you're one of the people I'm trying not to invite just to be nice. Oooop.