
Someone adjusted the gravity setting in my house making it nearly impossible for me to get up off the couch.

So I took a nap.

I have five days off from school and tomorrow my love will be here.



The hook in the bathroom stall is being terribly smug today.


My questionable taste in music is once again confirmed.

I turn the volume up in the car when the new Baby Bash song comes on the radio.


Ain't even playin' when she's shakin' that rrrrrumpa
Eating in the school cafeteria will make you wish you were bulimic.

Medication Misadventure

Today's evidence of my supreme coolness:

During the break in our morning pharm class I crashed into the hook on the inside of the door to the bathroom stall and my shoulder is still throbbing.




Come to the top of a hill, creeping and panting.

Realize that the blur of brown just ahead is a pack of dogs in the middle of the road.

The ringleader, some kind of collie mix, is surrounded by three or four smaller, nondescript thugs.


Good thing back down the hill is must faster going.

Shots of calmer sections of today's ride:


Today was opening convocation.

For some as yet undetermined reason the dean was wearing a medallion around his neck the size of my head. Sitting immediately to his right was, and I'm only guessing here, his evil henchman decked out in a bright red cape.

Very much like some bizarre white man Methodist version of an Outkast album release photo op. Minus the hot chicks and kickin' music.

What the fuck?


Lately on my way to work in the morning I've been stuffing a granola bar in my face.

I have two kinds. One is good. One not so good.

For your benefit:

Thumbs up.

Thumbs down.

And in case you wanna know, here is what I was trying to learn today while huddled under my TMNT blanket in our arctic style classroom.

ABG Interpretation


Wanna Cat?

Me in bed last night, just starting to fade in and out.

Thump thump.

Wha? Ok. Awake. Panic. Somebody in here?

Thump thump.

Ummm....is that inside or out? Come on, don't be groggy.

Thump thump.

In. Oh shit.

Thump thump.

Alright. Gotta be Cat. People don't break in to bat things around the house.


Getting up.

Crash! Bang! Smash!

Light on.

Exploded shards of glass, colored stones, and bamboo stalks all over bathroom tile and into hallway carpet.

Thanks for smashing my cutie planter, asshole.


Bought a yellow squash at this little roadside stand.

You can't read because the glare from the blazing Kansas sun, but the sign was hand written:

"Squash, Okra, Cucumbers for Sale."

How cool to buy a vegetable from the little old lady who grew it?

Black-eyed peas and yellow squash for dinner.

You bring the cornbread.

Where I rode my bike today.

It smelled like hay.

The wind kicked my ass.

Gonna take a shower and then eat leftovers for lunch with my momma.

Tomorrow is the first day of school. I got a new notebook and pens.



255 Days and Counting

Back on the teamsters job today. Need a really hip CB handle.

I gotsta find another job.

Class starts with a 9-4 math and EKG interpretation bonanza day after next.

Start with a bang.

I already miss my love. And I have reading to do.



My rolls were thumbs down.

I am vaguely hungover.

It's raining on and off.

Maybe it will clear up and I'll go for a bike ride.

Or maybe it won't clear up and I'll go for a nap.


Oh, hey. Wanna hear a funny story about a sex toy falling out of my wadded up sheets and onto my mom's laundry room tile?


Ok then.

Maybe another time...


Biga to Buns

Up early this morning playing baker.

Rolls are on their last rise now.

Destined for dinner tonight if they turn out.

Was going to go for a bike ride, but it is drizzling here.

Finished unpacking everything and putting things back together from the frenzy of last night.

There's a little voice calling to me from somewhere close by, can just barely make it out...

Sounds like the bed needs company.

Everyone should try taking a nap while their bread rises.

Very nice.

Night night.


Back (In Black)

Me 'n' Cat have returned to the wheat state.

The hardest part of long distance is transition.

Going from together to apart is... bumpy.

Just now opened a box and was rewarded with a burst of packing peanuts raining down on the coffee table.

Seems textbooks are quite fragile and require a small mountain of styrofoam for shipping.

Who knew?

I've been manically organizing closets all evening.

Come over for a drink.

Doors open.