
12 Days Old

Today we took Ms. Baby to the pediatrician for her first check-up. She is 8 ounces over her birth weight ! We celebrated my ability to fatten up a baby by getting ugly at the Indian restaurant lunch buffet.  Tomorrow Stephen goes back to work. Some serious anxiety here about my first day home with her alone. Send us your love and happy thoughts.



Theresa said...

Eat up, momma! And I know you will do fabulous on your own.

Set up a station on the couch or your favorite sitting spot that is in front of the Tv. You will need laptop, phone, remote, food, water, diapers, burp rags, etc.

Nurse, Snuggle, Nap, Repeat. You will love these days!

Anonymous said...

I didn't think he had to go back until Monday. I know you will be just fine. Call anytime. See you soon.