
Rainbow Over Texas

Decided to use some past-their-prime apples to make a jar of apple butter and nearly sliced off the end of my thumb chopping. (Maybe not almost off...but it could use a stitch or two or three.)

But what is a thumb compared to fresh biscuits slathered with apple butter?
A mere pittance.

Don't you laugh either.
Apple butter makes the short list of things (you'll find it well ahead of my honor) that I'll go to blows defending.

Also brewed some sun tea in a wide mouth mason jar and am sitting on the patio sipping on it (directly from said jar) waiting for a pot of Anasazi beans to cook so they can be pureed, baked down, and take their place alongside some tacos later tonight.

Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?

And by hot I mean at home in the kitchen where she belong.


Anonymous said...

What do you say about Dad and I using some vacation time and maybe coming down to see you this summer? Don't cut any fingers off because I plan on needing some of those biscuits and apple butter!!

pom. said...

aww. your parents love you. :)

and damn, that IS hot.
I need a girl gonna cook me some anasazi beans. shoot.