
At some point between puking at 3:30 this morning and wake-up call at 7:00 fever broke.

Just ate 4 crackers (Why is Rachel Ray on the Saltine's box?) and about a dozen spoonfuls of soup.

Here's hoping I don't vomit!


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better and everything went well with your test. I saw you ate a little cottage cheese last night! Hope it stayed down! See ya later. Love, mom

pom. said...

Oh man!!! I hope you're feeling way better and test went fine (all that stuff your mom said!!!)

Rachel Ray is taking over.

pom. said...

Let's make Zofran jokes or something!!

Trisha said...

I think Rachel Ray could be the anti-christ.

And I was totally wishing I had some Reglan at various times over the last few days.

Mmmmm mmmm.

pom. said...

seriously! you'd be like, i feel better, nighty night now!