
More Than You Wanted To Know

I've decided that me n some of the other girls in my clinical group picked up some kind of wicked nasty stomach bug from the hospital.

I can't stop shitting and if I put anything in my mouth, say 7-up or Tylenol, I start feeling like I am gonna puke. So then I am kind of gagging and trying not to puke. Or shomit*. Which is the worst. And once you start that before you know it you're gonna be dry heaving and have a sore throat and a pounding headache in addition to the raw ass that you made your mama bring you baby wipes with Care Bears on the package for.

And I have obviously been in nursing school too long and am maybe a little delirious because I am laying in bed all day thinking about where I would get a pressure wound from the different positions I am laying in. And trying to make myself keep drinking 7-up so that I don't get dehydrated and have to have an IV and a catheter which I would try and take out myself and then they would restrain me to the bed like this poor woman a few weeks ago who kept ripping her PEG outta her stomach.

I have a test tomorrow so I can't really miss class.

Maybe I am gonna have to take it from the toilet?

*In case you didn't know: Shit+vomit=shomit

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