
Is it poor classroom etiquette to update your blog during class?


Oh well.

Class is snoooooooze worthy.

There is no basil. At any store. In this town. It is frustrating to me.

It's why there are people coming to my house for dinner and I have no menu. Because even if I plan something, odds are there will be at least one ingredient that just isn't to be had.

And it isn't like I'm looking for exotic ingredients.

Basil for chrissakes.

But there are at least 24 varieties of hamburger helper.

Fuck it.

I'm running away.

If you need me I'll be at a very cozy makeshift youth hostel in Texas.


Anonymous said...

texas confirms your reservations.

Anonymous said...

and now for a collective "Awwwwwwwwwwww."