

No one should have to work on Saturday. Ever.

So it isn't practical, big freakin' deal. Let the poor sap working at the mall have the day off. Close the post office. Do self-service check-in at craphole hotels.

No one should have to work on Saturday. Period.

Stay at home. Snuggle down in bed with your lover. Pay attention to your cat. Take a walk. Make brunch. (Better get to the store on Friday, all the checkers are home pretending to watch movies and getting some action on the couch.)

Sit outside and have your fourth cup of tea. Make a cocktail and take a bath at 9 in the morning. Look at your watch at 11 and marvel at the fact that you still aren't dressed, and you really don't mind all that much.

Take a page from the grocery folk and get some action on the couch.

Make it like the Sabbath. Only with more sex and less of that religion schmaltz.

God won't mind.

She likes for people to get off.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

makes me smile.