Reading blogs I notice that lots of people use tags for their posts for the sake of archiving/organization. This sounded like a good idea for about 0.00007 seconds before realized that a) organization is not one of my strengths and b) ' mundane shit I'm doing today ' isn't a very intriguing tag.
So much for that.
If you are a twitterer ( or if you read my feed over there ------> ) you can see that filed my taxes today. And feeling quite gloaty and responsible for it. The H&R Block website is super easy and not very expensive and stop shilling now. But really - use it ! it's easy ! Ok. Really done.
Drinking Earl Grey and snacking on the leftovers of this tasty stew. This week need to go on a sugar detox or something because my stomach (and the rest of my body) is seriously unhappy with all the shit put into this weekend. Gross.
Making a giant pot of vegetable stock and vowing to eat all kinds of good things made from it this week. Mostly soup. And maybe some couscous or something with barley as we have both languishing away in the pantry.
That sound you hear is my pancreas letting out a sigh of relief and holding back tears of joy.
Let's all have a good week, ok ?
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