

Yesterday started composing something to write here.  Then I drank three beers and the Saints blew the playoff game and now am just not sure what brilliance had been brewing. 

I keep typing and deleting and typing and deleting. Repeat.


Right now it's raining here. Feel kind of icky like maybe catching cold. Drinking lukewarm coffee and wearing a blanket Love's mama knit for me. Clearing my throat and coughing and choking.

Attractive, I know.

One of my favorite wish you were my neighbor people was gone from blogging and I was missing her. How do you miss someone online ? Don't know. But I was. Then she came back and it's nice.

Rolling up on a birthday next month and maybe that is what has me feeling a little sentimental and missing people who I love but are all scattered around and mostly out of my life.

Spending said birthday on a beach just off the equator and then coming home and having a party*. Keep resisting the urge to invite people I don't really want to come just to be nice. Or to have people there. Probably to take the place of people I wish could be there but can't.

Couldn't it just be like in the third grade when everyone who was my friend and loved was only as far away as another classroom across the hall or across town ? There'd be a big party at the skating rink with giant dill pickles and Little Debbie snack cakes all around.

Imma shut up now and go eat an egg taco and reheat my coffee.

Hope to hear from you soon.


*We're having rum punch and gumbo and chocolate cake and you are welcome to please stop by. Unless you're one of the people I'm trying not to invite just to be nice. Oooop.


Seadogiron said...

I love you with all my heart. You are the best thing to ever, ever happen to me. I love and treasure you. Will take care of you as long as I have breath, my love.

pom. said...

Ohhhhh!!! I am sooo happy to see you here!!! Blog looks pretty. You are pretty. I miss you.

Theresa said...

I'm happy you're blogging again. I'm sad I won't get to celebrate your big bday with you! If I were there, we'd totally go skating, although it wouldn't be the same without the numbers game and that huge stuffed dice.

Miss you. Love you.

Anonymous said...

yummmmmmm......ice cold picklesickle.....wish I could be at your party. Can't wait to see you!