
Licking up the last crumbs from a slice of pumpkin bread and sipping on a cup of coffee with milk. Both of these things could have been made here at my house in my kitchen with things already on hand for 1/10th the price paid for them at the coffee shop next to the yoga studio.

But I am after all a good American and nothing if not a consumer and lover of convenience.

(In my defense it is so ungodly hot that the idea of turning on a burner let along the oven is incredibly unappealing.


And I am a lazeabout.)

Once the caffeine kicks in there are grand plans for flying into action and throwing together some keep in the fridge for the rest of the week types of dishes and finishing up the laundry.

And lest you think I never do anything except sit at home drinking coffee and doing laundry you should know that this weekend we had some friends over for all-the-fixin's burgers, monopoly, too much wine, and homemade ice cream.

Next weekend we could do something along the same lines. Just let me know what time to be there.


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