
Hello friends.

Today am on a stake-out to find the culprit behind the poo at my front door. No success yet, but I remain hopeful.

Spent the morning applying for jobs. Spreading a large net in hopes of something getting caught. A lot of different things seem interesting and possible and none of them is a strong favorite just yet.

There is a big mess of emotions welling up about the end of my current job coming up and maybe it will start to make sense and turn into words soon, but right now it won't so I'm going to stop trying to force it out.

Going to make a grocery list and wait on a dog instead.

Bye bye.

1 comment:

pom. said...

I am terrified about switching jobs but I'm going to. So far I have no resume so that blows and I really wanted to take a vacation this summer - for the first time in a few years but if I start a new job I can't use any PTO for the first 6 months and that also blows.

I'm so sad, man.
I feel like I'm just barely functioning here. blah.

I'm thinking about you a lot.
I'm excited for your new adventures!! love love.