
We are sick here and puking and it feels like there is something on fire in my stomach.

Boyfriend is taking a sick day and I am trying to decide if I can go to work tomorrow or not.

Calling in sick makes me feel like such a punk.

Also I organized a little snack party for the people who work tomorrow so how lame if I don't show.

Supposed to be baking ginger cookies to take with some apple cider.

Typing that sentence made me want to spew all over again.

At two o'clock if I don't feel better I'm calling in.



pom. said...

Now that we work in hospitals I think it's definitely wise to call in when sick.

pom. said...

geez, what kind of cold ass do I sound like?

feel better soon!!!!

Theresa said...

You poor things! Rest up and feel better soon!