
Feels like I am never going to be competent at my job. Sucks.

Not being able to identify anyone who could even potentially become my friend since moving here makes me feel incredibly unlikeable and lonely.

I tipped the man at the Vietnamese restaurant four bucks on my fifteen dollar take-out order just because he didn't look at me funny for shuffling in by myself in my pajamas puffy-eyed and sniffly.

The food I brought home was not good and made me wish I had just decided to have chocolate ice cream instead.

Fortunately having had the one doesn't exclude the other.



Anonymous said...

I love you. mom

Theresa said...

Lay on the floor and cry at any given time during the day or night. There's a 99% chance I'll be doing that same at that very moment. LOL. That's me laughing inappropriately. I'm willing to bet you are competent at your job and even more so as a friend. Give it time. I miss you.

Pretty Plains Princess said...

Or you could be the most competent person in the hospital. That is much scarier.

I have come back to blog world. I missed it.

Aimee said...

You need to help Hilarie.
