
This weekend we move into our new apartment. On the third floor.

I don't ever recommend that you try it.

It ate it pretty hard.

Work on Monday also pretty much blew and it is hard to not be completely overwhelmed. The people I work with continue to be incredibly helpful and supportive though which is the one thing keeping me from having a crying fit at least once a shift.

I'm about to head to the market as we are in serious need of some groceries.

But first I should put on some pants and maybe brush my teeth.

I draw the line though at taking a shower.

What have you been up to?


pom. said...

OH the achey feet. That will get better. It will all get better. Easy to say but.. heh.
I feel like I've forgotten how to do my job. I hope it's sort of like riding a bike? And maybe it'll also be that fun when I return? AHA! I've decided I can bring a cheery disposition and a lot of baked goods to improve workplace morale. ha.
We just got a new director so I'll get to meet her upon my return..(my very, very imminent return).

YAY for new place!!
SUCK for 3rd floor moving! Yowzaz.

I think i'll make homemade pizza today? I might try it on the grill??!!! Mmmm...
Eat something delicious and fresh from the market for me! Preferably something juicy.

peace, love, and uh..what? hair grease?
oh oh.

x's and o's

pom. said...

did you get any LUSH goodies? i bought myself the "Go Green" body spray and it's amazing - so fresh. It totally lifts my spirits.

Trisha said...

Yes! The LUSH fairy came to my house on Saturday. I got some hand cream and some shower gel and some bubble bath which is about to be used today.

And they also put a mango bath melt sample in my package.

Only it is Texas in July so you can imagine how that went. (Oily mango scented cardboard box. Ha.)

Homemade pizza is sooo good. I am making some on Saturday. I have a recipe to do it on the grill but I am afraid.

You do it and tell me how it goes.

And I am coming to see you soon.

Fo' rizzle.

Love LOVE !!

Trisha said...

P.S. Baked goods are the answer to world peace.

P.P.S. I got some fresh pineapple in your honor. Extra juicy !

Anonymous said...

Hang in there sweetie! You are doing great. Momma will be there soon!! HEHE. Love ya!! Miss ya!!!