

The combination of things in my stomach right now (and the high ratio of alcohol to food that have taken in today) is making me feel so incredibly nauseous.

Ick. What I wouldn't give for some Reglan.

Last night the Jinx did a superman off the second story balcony and had to spend some hours at the pet emergency room.

There seem to be no lasting ill effects.

I've been invited to a New Kids on the Block concert in KC in November.


Only I'm kind of confused about why a boy band from the 80's is selling $70 concert tickets...?



Who else wants to go?

1 comment:

Theresa said...

OMG! NKOTB! I am so there. Only their last concert I attended in 1991, our tickets were only $10. What's up with $70 ticket? They'd better be serving al-key-hol and taking of their clothes.