
Hello there.

Got a job.

I start orientation June 2nd.

21 days until graduation.

This is the downhill part of the roller coaster where you close your eyes, put up your hands, and scream.

And, if you have a motion sickness thing working like I do, try not to throw up.


Anonymous said...

Yippee kai yay!!! I am so happy for you...I bet that is very refreshing!! LaCinda

DH said...

Congrats on the job!

What part of the country will you be in?

Aimee said...




See? You so totally don't suck!

I'm too tired to do the math but I think if school ends in 21 days and the job orientation starts june 2 --- that maybe you've included a wee bit of downtime? I use the term loosely as I'm sure it will be full of other things and perhaps....the move? but.

I'm so excited for you.
So. Excited!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job. Mom has mixed emotions! I'm so happy for you and sad for me. I am going to miss you so much. You better call me at least every other day!! I love you and am so proud of you!! Mom