
Hacking cough, intermittent temperature spikes, and sleep-inducing multi-symptom cough medication thwarted grand weekend plans. Except the naps. That part came true.

This is what I get for pre-emptive gloating, right?

Boyfriend made me oatmeal with brown sugar and plump little blueberries and a big steamy pot of vegetable soup. He also quite happily settled into the role of "the boss of me" in dispensing medication and forcing fluids. I may or may not be slightly difficult when sick.* I could not, however, get him to don the naughty nurse uniform. Not even the hat.

Total bummer.

Maybe next time?

Being sick is no good, but if you are going to be sick having someone around to take care of you is definitely the way to go.

*Well, all of the time, but more so when sick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wasn't nice to not tell your mom you were having company.