
Raucous Caucus

Who's excited for the Iowa caucus?

Yes, well, me neither, but don't tell anyone.

Spending the tail end of my vacation reading back issues of my newly subscribed AJN and being worried about finding a job post-graduation.

Never too early for worry. That's my bumper sticker.

It is actually chilly today in lovely Austin, Texas. Debating whether to bundle up and go for a run/walk* or if I should succumb to my desire to broil in the heating piped in to the max apartment complex work-out room and commune with the treadmill.

Bought a very cute hat from the cycling shop and action-adventure gloves from the running gear store so perhaps my female impulse to sport my new fashion accessories will override my immense hatred of temperatures below 65.

Either way the heaping mounds of Indian food I've eaten the last two nights are rubbing their hands together evilly as they battle over the prime real estate that is my thighs so, really, something needs to be done.

And it sadly does not involve peppermint ice cream.

*Here in Central Texas they have something we don't have back home on the prairie: hills. I've got an awful lot of ass to be hauling up and down them. My chug chug gets slower and slower until I'm kind of limping and puffing up the hill and can only speed back up to a respectable pace coming back down the other side. It's probably funny to watch, though I wouldn't recommend laughing if you want to spend a happy and healthy 2008. Cheers!

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