
It's fixin' to rain.

My stomach hurts a little and the people in my class are getting increasingly annoying.

Less than one hundred days left of school now.

Anyone want some furniture or small appliances?


Jackie said...

I think I know what you mean by the annoying factor. Why did I have to seated so close to the two bobsie-twins? They're like permanently attached at the head - yes, they share one brain. It would explain the annoying factor.

I might be taking you up on some of those small appliances/furniture.

Aimee said...

less than 100 days of school means less than 100 days of gestation left!

exciting times headed our ways..

i'm so excited for you to be done with school and moving into glorious good times. you're gonna ROCK this nursing gig.

oops, wrong login. oh well.