
This weekend ST Princess made me some lasagna dinner. And I baked cinnamony bread with a layer of apples in the center.

Oooh girl. It's yum.

We drank wine and it was nice.

Yesterday was Sigma Theta Tau induction and it nearly put me into a boredom induced coma.

Whataya think 'bout a fuchsia and orchid prison-style tattoo?

I've got sharpies and a needle.

In the name of scholarship and academic excellence: Just rocked a C on my exam.


Since my phone crapped out have been rocking what has affectionately become known as 1994 phone. Complete with a banner across the screen that reads:

"Old School Baby."

This morning the alarm woke me (at 5 !!!) with it's own rendition of Peer Gynt and an animation of a little man banging his head into an alarm clock.


Did a 20 minute Yoga video, took a shower, finished homework, ate some breakfast.

Apparently should have studied for this test.

Next up: Nursing research critique PowerPoint presentation.


Maybe it'll be warm outside and snail socks and spandex can rock a bike this afternoon.

When is it time for Winter Break?

*Remember: C=RN=ATX

1 comment:

pom. said...

amen amen amen.
also i love your mama.