
Party, as usual, don't stop

Nursing school has officially sought out and destroyed all of my coping and decision making abilities.

I wander around the grocery overwhelmed by what to buy. I put things in my basket, wander, go back, put them away, get something else.

I have a paper to write, which is not a hard assignment, but I stare helplessly at the laptop screen trying to decide what to write about.

I can't sleep. I exercise sporadically at best. My eating habits have become atrocious. I am ingesting sugar and caffeine in unspeakable amounts.

I cry. Constantly.

I must drive people crazy.

There are two real weeks left in the semester, followed by a week of review for finals, then finals week.

There is no danger of not passing. There is no call to over achievement or top-notch work.

I just have to complete things, turn them in, be done.

And stop being such a self-destructive moper.

So that when school is out I don't have to spend the first two weeks of summer trying to recover. The detox phase right after admission to rehab.

I'm giving myself a little pep talk.

Wish me luck.


Seadogiron said...

the austin home for wayward and stresses-out kansas girls has your room ready ...

Trisha said...

Oooo. It says your name. Wanna make out?