
School this semester is rhythmic tide: reading, reading, reading, class, class, clinicals, clinicals, clinicals.

Feel good about it, doing well.

Is exhausting though.

Weeks flow into weekends and there doesn't ever seem to be much of a break. Just spare moments playing catch up.

The only people I see are a) nursing student and faculty b) hospital patients or c) craphole employees or patrons.

I miss reading things I want to read. I miss spending an entire afternoon lazing around without feeling guilty. I miss Boyfriend, and Cunty, and Pom, and Sister, and Cat who is at home all day alone in the cold.

Nursing school hurry up and be over already.

My life would like to have me back in it.


1 comment:

pom. said...

I'm happy that you feel good about school. I generally don't. Ever.