
On a brighter note:

Boyfriend is making enchiladas for my birthday Thursday.

And I think I'm going to bake an angel food cake with lemon glaze.

And candles.

And various other birthday festivities.
School is ass. Well, not so much school as the people who I go to school with.

Did I secretly pledge to some whacked out nursing school sorority?

Pom seems to be having some of the same craptastic vibe so at least it isn't just me.

And it is multiplied times 4,000 or so since there are 15 of us and we are always.together.

Perhaps my recent bout of celibacy is exacerbating my annoyance and a bit of a respite in a couple of days will markedly improve my outlook.

Here's hoping.


Warmer here today.

Still cold, but warm enough to do something other than hide in bed from the chill.

What I'm doing/going to do:

1) Homework due tomorrow
2) Obsessively clean the house (I'm having company soon !!!)
3) Dye my hair. (My look is blah blah the same as always. Ick.)
4) Chase the cat around the house.

All of these things with louder than needed background soundtrack as yet to be determined.

Right now I have coconut oil smeared in my hair covered by a shower cap that I stole from work.

Pretty sexy.

Maybe bump n' grind music to go with my extreme hotness?


School this semester is rhythmic tide: reading, reading, reading, class, class, clinicals, clinicals, clinicals.

Feel good about it, doing well.

Is exhausting though.

Weeks flow into weekends and there doesn't ever seem to be much of a break. Just spare moments playing catch up.

The only people I see are a) nursing student and faculty b) hospital patients or c) craphole employees or patrons.

I miss reading things I want to read. I miss spending an entire afternoon lazing around without feeling guilty. I miss Boyfriend, and Cunty, and Pom, and Sister, and Cat who is at home all day alone in the cold.

Nursing school hurry up and be over already.

My life would like to have me back in it.



Today in my mailbox was the dreaded utility bill. My extravagant, energy hogging days of having the thermostat set at 63 are officially over. Hello 58.

If you know anyone who'd be interested in buying a kidney, please direct them my way. I'll sell it cheap.

In slightly less depressing news: at the grocery on the way home from work I stopped to buy some lube* for which I had a coupon. (Yes, a coupon, for lube, what of it?)

The coupon was for $2 off, but the poor checker boy seemed quite flustered at my stopping in the store to buy lube, and only lube, for which I had a coupon. And so he scanned the coupon twice.

Meaning I got $4 off. Which is fortunate as I am a) broke and b) a somewhat sexually frustrated world class masturbator. Olympic level.

Now for big Saturday night fun: a respiratory interventions quiz.


*In regards to the lube, in case you were wondering: it's tingly and minty and actually quite nice. Try it! Or if your heat is set at 58, perhaps give the warming variety a try.


And in related news: My classmates are driving me to drink with their whining.

And I don't need any help with my drinking.

Our class just bombed a test.

Big hopes for the future of the health care industry.



Home from clinicals today, watching over wee tiny babes.

Managed to feed myself before retreating to the warm embrace of my bed.

Burrowed under the covers on my back. Heating pad bunched, ends up a warm mass pressed into my hip. Half awake, little stretch, roll over to press into the warm body next to me.

My sleep-addled brain playing tricks on me in the first seconds of wakefulness.

I like waking up next to a lover, to my lover, and breathing deeply of his scent before hunkering down for a few minutes more of slumber.

Safe and warm and content.

Instead roll out of bed, rediscover a bitty box of gingersnap cookies Sister gave to me for Christmas. Nibble away at the corners while read, read, reading (more) nursing textbooks.

It's Friday night. My goal is to get through 40 or so more pages and be in bed by 9.

Party up.



Today's proof that I do something besides laze in bed and complain:

I'm cooking and cleaning.

And catching up on reading for school.

I'm going to workout.

Go pick up loud, obnoxious kids from school so I can make a pitiful amount of money and maybe keep my health insurance another coupla months.

Stop at the store to clean out my checking account with milk and sugar.

See! I'm productive!

Believe me?