

Can I switch gears and blame my funk on the weather?

Cold and gloomy.

Being cooped up inside listening to the frozen rain spattering against the bedroom window.

Have done absolutely.nothing.productive today.

Maybe spend the next hour before going to my shitty job, oh, I don't know...taking down the Christmas tree?

Now that it is the middle of January.

50/50 chance at this point.

Jesus H. Christ I suck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If that makes you suck it must mean your mom sucks even more! My tree is still sitting in the front room with your unwrapped presents sitting beside it. Can't decide when I am taking it down. If I leave it up I won't have to put one back up next year. Cat knocked Nicoles baby plate off fireplace and broke it so I sit in the front room crying trying to glue all the little pieces back in. Now who sucks more!!