Current temperature reading: 59 degrees.
Inside my house.
It's cold. And lonely.
All friends/acquaintances have stopped inviting me.
"Can't. Gotta work. Thanks though."
(Rare) days off for homework, housework, sleeping.
Boy at the craphole quit this last week. Just couldn't handle working his two shifts a week on top of community college classes.
"Having a negative effect on [his] social life."
Made me laugh. Quite a lot.
Repeat after me: "People like you. Really. Honest. It isn't that they don't want you around. That you're poor, socially awkward company. Just you can never come anyway, so why bother asking?"
(Perhaps here is a 'poor, pitiful me' or ,even better, a 'woe is me', thrown in for dramatic effect.)
long vision, t ... what you are doing is a means to a much more important end than being the belle of the winfield social scene.
trust me. because i love you.
Come to my house anytime. Just show up. I'll pay for your gas, provide the vodka and help you study.
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