
I sometimes have the irrepressible urge to say, to various people, "Are you fucking stupid?"

You may wonder, "Why would I bother asking a question which I already know to be truthfully answered in the affirmative?"

The answer of course: To see if people are not only stupid, but liars as well.

Stupid people merely make other people want to kill them.

Stupid liars on the other hand, when those other people do teeter over the edge and annihilate them, get to burn eternally in hell.

Didn't yer mama teach you nuthin' 'bout sin*?

*Please note, sin, in this particular usage, is a two syllable word.


Anonymous said...

let us talk about see-un, sister ... for i would rather light a candle than curse your darkness ...

Trisha said...

How about we go somewhere dark and you can light my candle instead?

Anonymous said...


happy thanksgiving.