

Started with me smashing my cellphone in the car door while trying to get my laptop and $600 worth of books in out of the rain.

Moved swiftly into lots of boring classroom lecture.

Followed by a minor fit of crying brought on by my lame ass job not having a paycheck for me. Just not having one. What.the.fuck.

Fortunately the boy at the cellphone place was nice to me. Probably mostly because he thought had been crying about the phone.

Then came home and rounded the day out by cleaning out the litter box.

And I'm still sober.

Pats on the back can start anytime now...


Anonymous said...

Major pats on the back.

I think I'm hitting the wall.
I need a pep talk.
Do you need a pep talk?

Trisha said...

Wall. Yes. How can you paddle so fast and still barely keep your nose outta the water?

Peptalk. Yes. With a side of margarita and an after dinner joint.

Why is this not closer to over?

Anonymous said...

The best I could do was dinner at Gambinos.

Trisha said...

All donations of food and company are happily accepted and appreciated.