
I like it when people who have no idea what they are talking about grace me with their wit and knowledge.

Like the crazy lady craphole owner who is my boss.

She told me earlier that it would be really nice for me to be an RN since they don't do anything.

("It really is just, like, such a pud job and you have to do what, like, give pills?")

She then went into a story about some cardiac doc who is friends with her husband and how horrible it was that the nurses would call him when he was on call.

Right. You mean while they were actually taking care of patients. Like nurses do.

What the fuck?

This right on the heels of listening to a presentation at a nursing student convention during which one of the presenters, a trauma doc, skipped over a slide of his power point presentation with the disclaimer..."And this is just all the stuff that the nurses do..."

Ummmm...nursing students.

Nursing students.


What the fuck?

My new ultra mature and productive response to such wastes of my time is to put my hands over my ears and very quietly start to chant.

("Shut up shut up shut up shut up.")

I'll let you know how it works out.


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain sista. Just the other day I had a patient accuse me of not knowing what I was doing, acted like I was a stupid girl, then demanded to see the doctor. Asshole, I should have made his gums bleed....bad.

Trisha said...

Odd it doesn't occur to people it might be a bad idea to be an ass to someone with sharp tools inside one's mouth...

Anonymous said...

long vision, t ... craphole is just a means to an end, and will be in your rearview soon and forever.

hurry home, babygirl. miss you crazy bad.

Anonymous said...

I need to work on my long vision.