
Get Your Sexy On

I may or may not have spent half the afternoon drinking too much tequila that didn't have to pay for and pretending to study. And the other half of the afternoon sleeping it off. Now am settling in to study. Under direct orders from Boyfriend to work the Big Brain. So much for vodka Tuesday. Beat up copper kettle on the stove. Waitin' for the whistle. Little hit of caffeine and will be good to go. A small fortune and my approximate weight in text books spread out on the floor. Listening to one last highly questionable song before switching to something soft and unimposing. (Side note: A line in this Justin Timberlake song "I'll let you whip me if I misbehave." JT really kinky like that or is it merely the lyrics? Just curious...) Song ending. Kettle whistling. Enthralling nursing blather calling my name. Gotta run.


Anonymous said...

capital 'B'.

pom. said...
