

The cat hates it when I give him kisses. But he likes to sit in my lap. So we play this game where I smash a kiss on the top of his head just often enough to annoy him, but not quite often enough to make him get up. Ok, well, maybe it isn't really a game, so much as me being obnoxious. Semantics. Whattaya gonna do?

It's brrrr cold in the mornings lately and makes me move slow. The weather is kinda chilly and the air smells nice. Have had to delve into the winter closet for fuzzy sweaters. Leaves changing soon. What happened to summer?

Semester is in swing now and it is one thing due after another. Keeping up thus far. Was all excited not to have class tomorrow until my lab partner reminded me that we get to spend all day at a conference. Gag me.

In a coupla weeks get to see my Pomegranate baby. Then coupla weeks after that get to see Boyfriend. Thrown right in between is Cunty Pie housewarming extravaganza during which too much liquor may or may not be consumed.

That's a whole lotta big crazy love shoved in one little month.

How lucky am I?

Pretty darn lucky.


Anonymous said...

October's looking golden.

Trisha said...

24K, babycakes.