Welcome to the 7th level of hell. My name is Trisha, apprentice concubine to our Dark Lord, and I'll be your guest services representative. If there is anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable please let me know. I won't do it, but it will give me a sick pleasure knowing that there is something you want and can't have.
Walked into work last night. New Boy says to me..."You look just miserable." (Not in that annoying way that people use to tell you that you look like shit. In more of a wow, I actually feel kinda bad for you, are you gonna be ok, kinda way. Sweet kid.) What a coincidence as I had just used that exact word to describe my state.
Hate staying up all night. Don't remeber it being so shitty the last time had a 3rd shift job. But then was also plowing my way through a bottle of rum every coupla days for most of that time, so my recollections could very well be a little fuzzy.
If it isn't fun enough to be tired as all bloody hell, to jump start my every morning, annoying as shit state road crew, in town doing some highway maintenance, start making a mess of things at 5:45 while I try and put out cheesy continental breakfast. Think they're really clever and cute. They are neither. Assholes.
And today, just for a little added bonus, Boss called just as was getting ready to leave.
"Wow you sound so sexy when you answer the phone"
What the fuck lady? From where outta left field did this come? Forget it, if it'll get you off my ass, let's have phone sex and get it over with.
Lemme get a pen and jot down your credit card info.
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