
Tick Tock

You can only beat your biological clock so far into submission. Eventually if you fuck up your sleep schedule enough things like this begin to happen:
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That would be waffle batter. A whole lotta waffle batter. Typically try to keep it off the floor and shoes. This was about the time I almost just sat down and started crying. What the hell just snap a pic instead...makes great blog fodder.

There is a list of things for which I don't mind missing sleep. Working late so someone I don't particularly like can keep their precious ass in bed another coupla hours isn't on it.

Along those same lines there are a coupla situations in which being called baby at 3 am won't piss me right on off. Situation A: Following a good romp and a good night. Situation B: Preceding a good romp and accompanying a wake up. Allowances also made for any time of day oral sex is involved.

Notice how some drunk ass needing change for the vending machine wasn't in there anywhere?

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