

A bit of realization recently: I am self-absorbed. Egocentric. I run roughshod through life trampling people's feelings. Abrasive. I use people to meet my own needs. My motives are not pure and altruistic. I have little interest in saving the world and a great interest in saving myself. I am stingy. Time, affection, intimacy not readily parted with. Self-preservation my overiding instinct; pushes everything else to the background. Balance, the recurring theme in my life of late. How do I balance my own needs with the needs of people around me? And the real question: Do I even care enough to try?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all need to be a little self absorbed at times. Hard to give, give, give and never get anything for yourself. Take some for yourself and don't guilt yourself over it. Love ya, mom