
today while i was at work the sky opened up briefly and dumped out some rain.

i keep typing and erasing trying to put into words what it was like to be in a room full of people who all stopped what they were doing and let out a collective sigh of relief at a short respite from the 100 degree days and blazing Texas sun.

nothing i put together really does the moment justice so it is going to have to suffice to say it was pleasant and grounding and very much made me realize how similar we all really are.


Just home from being out in public looking a mess.

Black yoga pants pulled on under last night's sleep shirt, ratty ballet flats, neon green splatter dyed-bandanna over a tangle of hair, and a giant pair of sunglasses.

Luckily the places I went were a yoga class and Whole Foods. And I live in Austin. So really I looked quite at one with my surroundings. Showing solidarity was a 6 year old kid going into the grocery wearing his spider man pajama pants and yellow plastic clogs.


For some reason now that I am home there is no water in our apartment. When/if it decides to come back on I am making Indian food for dinner.

Murgh makani and yellow lentils and rice.

It would make me feel much more worldly and exotic to type murgh makani if I hadn't just copied it out of the sturdy little 50 Great Curries of India my mom bought for less than an hours work at the new minimum wage from a clearance table at a cheesy big-box chain bookstore.

Oh well.

I am also using there being no water as an excuse not to tidy up the kitchen and am just ignoring all of the laundry that needs to be put away with no excuse at all.

Tomorrow I go back to work and strangely enough thinking about it doesn't fill me with dread and/or rage.

This I could get used to.

Go outside today and soak up a little bit of sun.

It'll feel nice.




New job continues to chug chug along.

So far, so good.

My internal clock is thrown out of whack from the super early mornings and also working at my old job a couple of days last week.

To confuse things a bit more just finished eating a bowl of pasta with red sauce at 1000 in the morning.


Right now the compliance training module for work is playing and I am getting paid to watch it, but boy it is booooring.


Slide 182/208.

Whee Hoo !


have been rocking my new job the last three days

starting at 4 am.

it hasn't been as bad as i had anticipated. the time.

the work i am totally digging.

in the mail today there was a nurse's day card from my old job that came late late late because it had the wrong zip code on the envelope. inside were three lifesavers.

thanks !

how typical and lame of them.

right now waiting for the annoying morning dj to be off the air and the not annoying at all afternoon guy to take over.

also there are groceries on the counter and i am planning to make the following :

peppadew hummus ( to smear on fresh bread and cover with veggies for some killer sandwiches )

barley corn and green bean salad ( to go with the killer sandwiches )

half a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies ( maybe ! if i work out ! )

this afternoon someone is coming to check out our washer so i had better go do a quick check to make sure there are no unmentionables strewn about or puddles of cat vomit on the carpet.

bye !


going to have a late lunch with some friends.

fried chicken and cornbread.

and the blueberry buttermilk cake that is on our counter cooling.


monday i have to be at work at 0400.

but i am trying not to think about that. yet.

oh weekend oh i love you.

love. love.


there is a story on the msn homepage today called "sizzlin' suits" only when i saw it i thought it said sizzlin' sluts and i was excited to click on it.


today i am going to go to a yoga class, pee in a cup for my job, and get paid to sit at home reading a book about kidneys.

in order to do these things should go and get dressed.

spend some time outside in the sunshine and fresh air today, ok ?


it feels like i ate a basketball for dinner instead of a strawberry milkshake.

not that it should be surprising that having a milkshake for dinner might cause one to wake up feeling a bit...um...heavy.

such is life.

and now i need to go finish throwing some things in an overnight bag and pull on some pants with an elastic waist so we can get started on our really long drive up I-35.

see you soon !