
Yesterday took the last of my finals.

So, like, totally done with school and shit.

Now what?

Well, right now my allergy-afflicted eyes itch crazy bad and the Benadryl I just downed so could mow the yard is making me want to shuffle back off to bed.

If I wait until, say, 10:30 can I call it a nap instead of going back to bed?

To do the rest of the week:

finish packing
peddle my fat ass around on a bike
prepare for next week's NCLEX review course
get a pedicure
actually mow the yard instead of snoozing


My sweet Pom has a new wee girl.

Congratulations, l'il mama.

Lots of love for you and your sweet, newly-expanded family.


Wore some earrings today. An in-the-mail gift from my sweet, baby-birthing, friend.

Made me feel like a girl.

Sleepy and need someone to snuggle.

Get over here.


In case you were wondering, I have a bad attitude.

So says the super bitchy nurse manager who was raging her way through our class poster party.

And she was there at the beginning. Too bad she missed my stellar attitude by the end of twelve hours of poster party fun.

My favorite is when people come at you with attitude and then act all offended when you feed it back to them.

Kick ass !!


Two weeks 'til me n my bad attitude (not to mention several pounds of cat) pack it up and head on south.


Dear everyone,

Sorry for being such a moody mess.

Please still like me.



Cranky Box McMoody Pants


It Factor

In no particular order:

Woke up.

Watched the Rock of Love 2 reunion show.

Took Cat outside.

Packed a couple of boxes, vacuumed the furniture.

Rocked some Wii with my mama.

Started but didn't finish homework.

Ate bacon.

Went for a walk.

Bought a pair of shoes.

Kicked an extreme amount of ass.



What would you say is the percentage of nurses who are complete assholes?




Will being a nurse make me an asshole?

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

Please could I sleep for a week instead of taking thousands of test questions and typing, typing, typing page after pointless page?

Does eating a handful of Girl Scout cookies, half of a bagel, and some goldfish shaped pretzels qualify as making good nutritional choices?

Are you tired of my whining yet?

If not, hold on. You surely will be soon.


Small, seemingly insignificant tasks are taking massive amounts of time and energy.

Today my preceptor was gone. That makes three days out of eight.

Bummed a ride into the big city and didn't have one home when the day was a loss.


How frustrating.

Tomorrow is my last day. Typically there is the giving of some little appreciation gift, but I'm not feeling it.

The happy ending is that my gramma and grampa came to pick me up. Then we went to rock a cheesy Chinese buffet which my grampa hated and my gramma loved.

I was pretty indifferent.

My fortune said that I should work on improving my exercise routine.

Add that to the list.


Hello there.

Got a job.

I start orientation June 2nd.

21 days until graduation.

This is the downhill part of the roller coaster where you close your eyes, put up your hands, and scream.

And, if you have a motion sickness thing working like I do, try not to throw up.


Does walking to the store to buy butter for making shortbread count as working out?
Sky the color of ash and a sun that is hiding make perfect the day for stuffing yourself with Mexican food and having a siesta.

The Jinx says, "Cat naps are infinitesimally better when you take them with a real, live cat."

Accomplished: Facilitating an online class discussion and completing application for student loan consolidation.

To do: Set out clothes for tomorrow morning's interview, print out a resume.

Possibilities: Baking, working out.


It is still chilly here.

School is making me absolutely crazy.

Job interview on Thursday. Meh.

At this point any job seems fine so long as it pays.

Tonight making posters.

Fucking love making those posters.

Come on over. Bring your glue stick.


Two things that should never have made their way to television advertising, but have:

1) The Charmin Mama Bear using a feather duster to clean bits of leftover toilet paper from Baby Bear's ass. Ew.

2) The word mucous, and even more so the little dancing booger people used to represent it. Double ew.

Who decided these things were a good idea??


Someone I like a lot broke down why looking for a job (and at this point nursing in general) eats it so hardcore.

It's like constantly trying your very best to prove that you don't suck.


Today's assignment: Write "I will not be a complete assbag to the nursing student" 50 times on the blackboard.

(I don't suck ! Really !)


Money is trickling in and gushing out in a way that has me stressed to the max.

Especially in light of my apparent inability to secure employment.

There is a whole mess of shit that needs to be finished in an increasingly short period of time.

Yesterday and today were classroom days and tomorrow and Thursday are two more 12 hours with my preceptor. It is wearing me out.

If you think reading all of my bitching is rough you should try being my boyfriend right about now.

Poor man.

Bright spots: Surprises in the mail from sweet friends, goldfish crackers, and pending tax returns.

Just a little further.
