
In Case You Missed It

Dear Blogosphere:

Cat and I just got a total shout-out from the loverly Maya.


You should be.


Trisha (and Cat)


Christmas in the ATX

T-minus 48 hours to launch.

Please be prepared to hear how sickeningly sweet Boyfriend and I are upon my return.

Diabetic coma.

And you'll love it.

Hope you and yours have a happy holiday.

Get a little tipsy and kiss someone* just a little too long at midnight on New Year's Eve.

*This may or may not be someone whose name you a) know or b) remember in the morning even if you knew it at one point. Such is life.


So You Can Plan in Advance

Tomorrow night.

10:00 PM PST. (That's midnight here.)

Stay up late with my girl Maya.

Her voice is hot. It's on public radio.

Listen online.

You know you wanna.

Starlit Skies Radio Show


I feel like sleeping for a week.

The craphole is completely boring.

So boring, in fact, I've caved to peer pressure and created a myspace page.

Think it would help my chances of being employee of the month if I take a nap on the clock?



Took the last final of the semester this morning.

That means it's over. All finished.

The end.

Way too much peppermint stick ice cream for lunch.

Nutritionally sound.

Also just noticed there is a pimple on my chin large enough to have its own zip code.

That's pretty hot.

It's Christmas soon.



I totally blew my holistic demo final.

We had to draw a system and do a focused assessment.

I pulled neuro.

Fucking cranial nerves.

Waiting to complete my holistic assessment demonstration final.

Should be studying, but am not. (Surprise, surprise.)

Feel frail, unsteady. Hate that all the effort put into holding it all together is so easily and quickly overcome by such small things.

Or maybe it is that in the midst of doing it all there is no time to be overwhelmed. It's in the breaks, the still moments, that it catches up.

Stop paddling so frantically and realize how high the water really is.



Right now am one very annoyed fat girl.

Going through the pile of crap that the nurse practitioner at Planned Parenthood gave me. Tucked in the middle is one of those fucking ideal weight charts with 104-126 circled.

Gimme a fucking break.

Several things:

1) How about you find out if someone maybe has some kind of body image or disordered eating habits before you off and tell them they should weigh 104 pounds. Or heaven forbid you slip this shit to a full blown bulimic. Fucking responsible practice, nurse.

2) How about you maybe ask me something about my eating habits or my activity patterns. And if you are concerned about my weight, maybe talk to me about it. Passive aggressive asshole.

3) Maybe there is an undergraduate level course in health promotion you can sign up for. Help you out with your approach.

4) Fuck off. (This is my most mature and immediate response. Nice, eh?)


The cat and I are having a respite day from conserving energy by freezing our asses off.

It's nice.

He's passed out in front of the heater.

I have managed to haul myself out of bed. Took a final. Am half-ass tidying up the house.

Boyfriend's soup for lunch. Remnant of the visit from the Central Texas Travelling Food Pantry.

Three finals left for this week.

Winter break complete with Christmas.

(Nothin' bad about that.)


Disclaimer: The sole purpose of this post is for me to pat myself on the back so if that is gonna bother you skip today and try back tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be back to bitching and whining by then.

With only three finals and an assessment demonstration left to complete the odds are good that there will be a fairly impressive GPA headed my way.

Friday was my clinical evaluation and my faculty advisor who started out the semester not so much digging me sung my praises.

(She first admitted to thinking I was not going to last the semester. Which amused me. Seems she thought she did a good job of hiding it. Not so much.)

Among the things said: I exude intelligence. I have a very calming, reassuring presence and a quiet confidence that puts people at ease. The staff at the hospital all said they felt like I was another member of their nursing team rather than a student.

I like it.

Remind me of this next semester mid nervous breakdown.


I kinda wish I were a rocker.

Not am I so much, but I like these:



Lacuna Coil

Please expect more pointless drivel like the above the next couple weeks due to my new found lack of daily heaps of homework.


I now sit in my last regularly scheduled class of the semester.

Only finals left.

Praise be.

7 days from now the official end of the semester.

And vodka shall flow like water.



Tough Love

Message from: Boyfriend

Someone is supposed to be studying, not reformatting their blog.

Sent 22:44 12/04/06

Getting punked out rocks.

P.S. Boyfriend is hot when he's bossy.

2 Things

1) Seems there is pending doom on the orange juice front. The only thing worse would be a vodka shortage.

2) Happy Birthday Pommalovah. Hope it's full o' love. Know you've mine.


With apologies to my mother

Music on pandora.

Song just came on called "Kick in the Ass."

Not nearly as funny as it could or should be.

What is funny: When it first started playing I was quite certain it was saying dick rather than kick.

And it didn't seem like such a bad idea.

For a song, I mean.

Of course.

Would have greatly improved the lyrics from what I can tell.


Current temperature reading: 59 degrees.

Inside my house.

It's cold. And lonely.

All friends/acquaintances have stopped inviting me.

"Can't. Gotta work. Thanks though."

(Rare) days off for homework, housework, sleeping.

Boy at the craphole quit this last week. Just couldn't handle working his two shifts a week on top of community college classes.

"Having a negative effect on [his] social life."

Made me laugh. Quite a lot.

Repeat after me: "People like you. Really. Honest. It isn't that they don't want you around. That you're poor, socially awkward company. Just you can never come anyway, so why bother asking?"


(Perhaps here is a 'poor, pitiful me' or ,even better, a 'woe is me', thrown in for dramatic effect.)
