
Today as Roommate and I were determining how deep into winter we can go without turning on the heat she informed me that yesterday, when our paychecks were late, she was complaining.

Seems crazy craphole owner (CCO) was listening on her surveillance system (which by the way is uber creepy and I think actually illegal unless there is some kind of sign posted...).

CCO called and wanted to know what the problem was.

Roommate told her. (ummm...you were supposed to pay us at noon and it's almost five. That's not cool when you pay us as little as you do and we have bills to pay.)

Her response: It can't be that bad...


Have you looked at how much you pay us? Would you like to see my monthly budget so that I can justify to you that I would like to be paid on fucking time?

Could you get your head a little bit further up your ass?

(I really do things other than rant, I promise, but jeeeeeezus lady.)

I'm going to accidentally impale one of her breast implants with a letter opener.*

*this does not constitute an actual threat of bodily harm. honest.


I like it when people who have no idea what they are talking about grace me with their wit and knowledge.

Like the crazy lady craphole owner who is my boss.

She told me earlier that it would be really nice for me to be an RN since they don't do anything.

("It really is just, like, such a pud job and you have to do what, like, give pills?")

She then went into a story about some cardiac doc who is friends with her husband and how horrible it was that the nurses would call him when he was on call.

Right. You mean while they were actually taking care of patients. Like nurses do.

What the fuck?

This right on the heels of listening to a presentation at a nursing student convention during which one of the presenters, a trauma doc, skipped over a slide of his power point presentation with the disclaimer..."And this is just all the stuff that the nurses do..."

Ummmm...nursing students.

Nursing students.


What the fuck?

My new ultra mature and productive response to such wastes of my time is to put my hands over my ears and very quietly start to chant.

("Shut up shut up shut up shut up.")

I'll let you know how it works out.



Fall break.


Rejuvenated is actually a fairly accurate description. All innuendo aside.

It is very nice to be in a relationship where there is mutual caretaking.

Case in point: Almost there, literally about a block away. Got a little lost, a little stressed out. (Ok, a lot stressed out...)

Boyfriend came to get me.


Absolute keeper.

(Bonus: Boy can cook.)




Fall break starts in less than 24 hours.

One class left to suffer through.

Packing up the car tonight.

A few hours tomorrow at the hospital.

Driving, driving, driving.


(Like that part at the end the best.)


Useful Things Learned This Morning

A) My income currently falls well below the national poverty level

B) This means I qualify for the Kansas Food Assistance Program, this is a nice way of saying can get some food stamps

C) It also means can apply for an energy assistance grant and pick one month this winter and actually turn on the heat

Groceries, heat, good.

Processing. Not sure how this makes me feel.

Really though the way it makes me feel is fairly inconsequential.

Being able to eat makes me feel pretty effing good. So does not freezing my ass off.

Let's go with that.



Started with me smashing my cellphone in the car door while trying to get my laptop and $600 worth of books in out of the rain.

Moved swiftly into lots of boring classroom lecture.

Followed by a minor fit of crying brought on by my lame ass job not having a paycheck for me. Just not having one. What.the.fuck.

Fortunately the boy at the cellphone place was nice to me. Probably mostly because he thought had been crying about the phone.

Then came home and rounded the day out by cleaning out the litter box.

And I'm still sober.

Pats on the back can start anytime now...


Need to be studying for a test. Need to be doing other homework. Cleaning the house. Doing laundry.

Need to be doing anything but sitting her with my slightly incoherent verbal vomit.

Wanting to go to sleep. Being worn the fuck out from working all night at my shitty job, but feeling too guilty to go to bed.

A nice little catch-22: Can't sleep because of all the crap need to do and can't do all the crap because need to sleep.

Something that is currently annoying me: This boy went to high school with is running for state representative. His stupid campaign signs are everywhere. He's an ass. Hopefully he will get elected and start drafting lots of really cool laws dictating what I can and can't do with my own effing body. And outlaw all but intra-marital sex in the missionary position. And only then to reproduce.

Should be a big hit in Topeka.

Fucking christ.

So, um, yes, a little cranky.


I need to be put to bed.



The only good thing about cold weather: Dorky Flannel Pajamas*

*these particular ones may or may not come in a little flannel bag that's good for stowing sex toys
Tuesday means no class tomorrow. Bonus.

Cold and soggy here. Gray.

Am making a pot of very pretty chili. Smells nice. So even if it tastes wretched at least it's got something going for it.

Even put meat in it since Roommate is sharing.

While it simmers allow me to list a few of the things I really just don't get.

By no means exhaustive, but here goes, in no particular order:

1). Sprinklers running while it's raining

2). Voluntary celibacy

3). Trigonometry

4). People who don't like vodka

5). Online marriage counseling

6). Pants and/or panties with words across the ass

7). Meat that comes out of a can



Monday again already.

Moving sloooooooow.

Yesterday went to the grocery. (Not the one here, where there is no basil...)

Love it.

Bought a cute little organic pumpkin. A yam and an avocado. Granola. Raisins. Chocolate milk. Pickles. Baby lima beans. Sharp cheddar. An Asian pear and a grapefruit. Oyster crackers. Peanut butter.

You know...groceries.

Oh, and treats for the cat so he would stop yowling and maybe not bite me. As much.

I'll clear all the books off the table this afternoon. Make a little dinner this evening.

Light some candles.

Come keep me company.


First day out on the floor at the hospital today. Eeeeek!

We spend our first semester on the med-surg floor at the little hospital here.

Let's see...

took vitals, gave some meds, stood around as we only have one patient to care for all day, pumped some antibiotics through an IV, discontinued said IV when it started to leak, stood around some more, convinced Ms. Patient it probably wouldn't be a good idea to yank her catheter out, stood around some more.

No injections yet.

But am gonna have to just come out and admit that looked pretty effin' cute in my dorky nursing student scrubs.

That's why we're all really in nursing school, right?

The uniforms?



Monday is the worst. Getting out of bed when it's still dark. Going back to school, to work. Bleh.

Bright spot: Very sweet Boyfriend who starts the day with soft words. Lucky girl.

Midterms this week. Just took the first.

Well, kinda took the first. All of our testing is done online via computer and as submitted the server connection got lost. So right now is am-I-gonna-have-to-redo-the-whole-thing limbo.

Double bleh.

But, enough of that, let's talk about something warm and fuzzy.

You know how there are certain people in your life who just...fit. That handful of folk who you can just be with. Just be.

I got to see two of those people this weekend. Both in the same day. Sister love and my Pomegranate baby.

Sunshine. Food. Little hugs. Nice words.

Best day ever.

How fine is that?